49 Balls (49ja) Predictions (Android & iOS App)
Get All Signals
Our Bot shows you Signals to trade 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, and more with high accuracy and precision.
Realtime Signal
Our Signals are shown to you in real-time. When a new draw is shown, our AI analyzes and predicts.
6+ Signal
Win 6+ like a PRO with our AI-powered Bot Prediction system that predicts when the next 6+ will come.
5+ Signal
The 5+ Predictor is top-notch and can predict a single color, double or 3 colors to expect.
Our AI-backed 49ja Prediction App for Android is a state of the art App that gives you real-time signals on what to play on the infamous Bet9ja 49ja Colour Game. With access to large datasets and advanced AI algorithms, we have been able to create this solution as an app for everyone who uses 49ja frequently to trade

Oh… I know you’ll probably say…”Why would you make a plugin that already exists?”. 🙂 Well, why not? It’s true, there are some great plugins out there that do just that. In fact this plugin was inspired by the excellent “jQuery Steps” plugin, created by Rafael Staib. And I am sure that if you Google you’ll find more of them…
However I decided to do one myself as an experiment and because for some reason Rafael’s plugin was mising some things that I needed at the moment and there was also a bug when initializing other jQuery plugins within the Steps plugin. For example the Google maps plugin would not initialize for some reason.
With your comments and perhaps your contributions maybe I can make things better and take it to another level, so please, feel free to give your thoughts – positive and negative. I’ll be very grateful.
Not a carousel
- isFinalElementShown,
- previous,
- next,
- first,
- getActiveStep
$("#wizard").aiiaWizard({ onInitSuccess: function () { //alert("init success"); }, onSlideLeftLimitReached: function () { //alert("onSlideLeftLimitReached success"); }, onSlideLeftFinished: function () { //alert("onSlideLeftFinished success"); }, onSlideRightLimitReached: function () { //alert("onSlideRightLimitReached success"); }, onSlideRightFinished: function () { //alert("onSlideRightFinished success"); }, onButtonPreviousClick: function () { // Instead of just sliding to the previous step when clicking the "previous" button, you can override this functionality instead. // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "previous" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the previous step. alert("onButtonPreviousClick"); $("#wizard").aiiaWizard('previous'); }, onButtonNextClick: function () { // Instead of just sliding to the next step when clicking the "next" button, you can override this functionality instead. // By doing that you must then explixitly call the "next" plugin method as shown below if you want to slide to the next step. alert("onButtonNextClick"); $("#wizard").aiiaWizard('next'); } });

Step 1
Download the App from Google Playstore
Download the App from Google Playstore by clicking on the direct download link here or go to Google play store and search iGamer 49ja or 49ja
You can also click the Download link below to download the App directly from iGamer

Step 2
Install & Launch
Install the iGamer 49ja Prediction App, Launch the App and Go to iGamer’s Official website to Create your iGamer Account if you don’t have one or Signup on the App
The App is very light, it is about 3MB in size and does not need any special resources to work

Step 3
Fund Your Wallet
To be able to see Predictions for any Gameplay, you need to Fund your iGamer Wallet with at least N1,000 from the App or through the Deposit Page on iGamer official website.

Step 4
Get 24/7 Real-time Prediction
Once you have Funded your Wallet, you will begin to see Predictions for any Gameplay of your choice round the clock.
The AI Bot works 247, both in the night and in the day time analyzing and predicting the next Game option

Step 5
Change Gameplay from Settings
Depending on what you are Trading at any given point in time, you can change your Gameplay from the Settings page to either 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+ & more

Step 6
Settings Page
From the Settings page, you can choose from the list of Gameplays available and can also change the Intensity Level for each gameplay you chose
If you wish, you can choose all the Gameplays to be predicted at once for you by selecting All

Step 7
Game Intensity Level
The Gameplay Intensity Level changes the extent to which you want to Play your Game.
For instance in 3+, the Default Intensity Level only Predicts 1 Color to play next at every draw while the Safe Mode Intensity Level only waits for a very safe signal before it predicts same.
The Multiplay Intensity Level on the other hand combines both the Default Intensity Level and the Safe Mode to predict up to 2 Colors per time for those who wishes to trade 2 Colors

Step 8
Trading Plans
For a Successful Trading Session, you must highly rely on Trading Plans, these are Bankroll Management Systems that helps you recover after a loss in any Gameplay
We have created Trading Plans for different Gameplays on iGamer, go to the Trading Plans page to see them and use them while trading
Review & Proof of Winning
In the meantime, let’s see the magic it can do
You remember when I said that one can save between N1,000 to N3,000 daily with this app when it is ready
That is a reality right now, without much play.
The 2+ alone has almost 80% accuracy like 8 in 10 times should play
So, with that, you can easily earn your N1,000 and save it for the day
By default you are playing in the DEFAULT Intensity level untill you change it to either SAFE MODE or MULTIPLAY. And you can do that from the SETTINGS page
6+ Trading Signal (DEFAULT INTENSITY)

This is 6+ Trading signal if you want to play like us targeting just 1 color
So, in the development, We did the one for low spend which is SAFE MODE, medium spend which is DEFAULT, and high spend with a wide net which is MULTIPLAY
We have done this again and again
They are all here on this site

6+ Trading Signal (SAFE MODE)

Then there are times the AI sees a possibility of a second color playing instead of the first, so it will predict the second as a backup for the first color, that too We have won severally. See proof below:

6+ Trading Signal (MULTIPLAY)

Then the 3rd Intensity level when you want to play everything possibly to be on the safer side is called MULTI PLAY. Though it will use more money per play from you
What happens here is that when the AI checks the first algorithm and sees Red, then second algorithm it sees Blue and on further checking the last Algorithm, it sees Green, it will show you 3 colors so that you don’t miss it, this can only happen if you have chosen Multiplay as your Intensity level
It scouted through and saw 3 possible colors the 6+ could come from and We have won this type too, severally

By default you are playing in the DEFAULT Intensity level untill you change it to either SAFE MODE or MULTIPLAY. And you can do that from the SETTINGS page